外資系製薬メーカー 薬剤開発における統計解析職/神戸・東京/統計学・生物統計学のアカデミアも歓迎です
勤務地 | 東京都港区、兵庫県神戸市 | ||||||||
仕事内容 | Provide strong statistical leadership in the process of drug development. The Project statistician develops or assists in the development of protocol designs, clinical plans, and data analysis plans in collaboration with physicians, veterinarians, and/or medical colleagues. The Project Statistician is responsible for working with research associates and scientists to establish a reporting database and for analyzing data for these types of studies. 【主な職責/Primary responsibilities】 Statistical Trial Design and Analysis ●Operate in collaboration with study personnel to provide input on study protocol, design studies and write protocols for the conduct of each study. ●Assist in or be accountable for selecting statistical methods for data analysis, authoring the corresponding sections of the protocol, and conducting the actual analysis once a reporting database is created. ●Collaborate with data management in the planning and implementation of data quality assurance plans. ●Maintain currency with respect to statistical methodology, to maintain proficiency in applying new and varied methods, and to be competent in justifying methods selected. ●Participate in peer-review work products from other statistical colleagues.Communication of Results and Inferences 【Communication of Results and Inferences】 ●Collaborate with team members to write reports and communicate results. ●Assist with, or be responsible for, communicating study results via regulatory submissions, manuscripts, or oral presentations in group settings, as well as for communicating one-on-one with key customers and presenting at scientific meetings. ●Respond to regulatory queries and to interact with regulators. Therapeutic Area Knowledge 【Therapeutic Area Knowledge】 ●Understand disease states in order to enhance the level of customer focus and collaboration and be seen as a strong scientific contributor. Regulatory Compliance 【Regulatory Compliance】 ●Perform work in full compliance with assigned curriculum(s) and will be responsible for following applicable Corporate, Medical, local, and departmental policies, procedures, processes, and training |
経験・資格 |
いずれかを満たす方● M.S. or Ph.D. in statistics or biostatistics. (Ph.D. more preferable) or ● Rich experiences in healthcare field as a statistician with science background such as athematics or epidemiology. ● Statistical and methodological knowledge in clinical development, epidemiology or related field. ● Regulatory knowledge of clinical trial methodology and statistics. ● Ability to build relationships with individuals and teams. ● Good communication and presentation skills in both English and Japanese ※更なる詳細事項は、カウンセリング(面談)時にお伝えします。 |
企業データ |
Recruiting No. | 02000692000896 | ||||||||
ひとことコメント | 創業時から研究開発に注力。特化した分野で確かな地位を築く。学閥なし、プロパー優遇なし、職位による差別なし。人物をフェアに見る社風。 |
- 地球惑星科学分野のポスドク研究員、子供を授かり家族のために安定を求め人材サービス会社のデータサイエンティストに
- 前職
- 私立大学 研究センター 地球惑星科学分野 任期付き嘱託研究員(ポスドク)
- 現職
- 大手総合人材サービス会社 テクノロジー本部 デジタルテクノロジー統括部 データサイエンティスト
転職体験記を読む -
- データ・統計解析の博士、遺伝子発現解析から旅行代理店への転身
- 前職
- 旧・帝国大学 医学研究科 研究員
- 現職
- インターネット専業旅行代理店 Webアナリスト
転職体験記を読む -
- 製薬メーカー 統計解析業務 (バイオインフォマティクス) のプロの転職
- 前職
- 一部上場 製薬メーカー 研究開発部門 臨床試験 統計解析業務
一部上場 総合化学メーカー 医薬品部門 臨床試験 統計解析業務
- 現職
- 一部上場 総合製薬メーカー 研究開発事業部門 生物統計グループ 統計解析業務